New Year, New Me

Many people say New Year, New Me every time the New Year comes around as if this phrase has some all-encompassing powers to help you reach your Goals. Shouldn’t we be working on your Goals every day? I don’t like that phrase because for me “Every day is a New Me.” Every day I wake up; give thanks to God for another day and opportunity to get even closer to the goals that I have set for myself Quarterly. I set goals for myself that I work to accomplish each day that looks at my Bigger Goal which is my quarterly/Annual one. I try to not stress about the failures but rather look at them as learning experiences that allow me to grow and become a better, stronger Woman.

New Year, New Me… why couldn’t last year be the beginning of a new chapter in your life? Why did you have to wait a whole 365 days to realize that you needed a change?… These are the questions I ask myself sometimes when reflecting on my past and future goals. It is important to work on Goals through out the year as well as add new ones once a goal has been achieved.

Since we are discussing Goals I wanted to take the time to outline how I typically write my goals. I typically break up my goals in the following Categories:

  1. Personal/ Relationship Goals
  2. Financial Goals
  3. Business Goals

Some may ask why I break them down into these specific categories; it is because I have chosen these areas with in my life to give additional attention to. There see areas I believe I to need improve on or more focus is needed at this time. Once I have my goal categories created, I then break down my actually goals with in each category into subcategories so for example:

  1. Personal/ Relationship/Health Goals
  1. Spiritual Relationship- Find a new church home that aligns closely to my ideals
  2. Weight loss- create a schedule and work on staying focused on the outcome I am seeking. 20170120161110f27cbde54016e636310e53e970af3fee41e8dd89-520-520.jpg( Note: I got these super cool Exercise Pull Ropes to help with my exercise routine at home)
  3. Take time to Meditate ( I received this candle holder which I am going to put my favorite organic candle into, so that when I am in meditation mode I will light it to set the mood.)2016120808342040265663647a8f4df21768f86fea372e1dd19115da709580756366d2d06b5e1e81631692-520-520
  1. Financial Goals
  1. Work on Consolidating my student loans
  2. Save more money, I have been setting up
  1. Business Goals
  1. Real Estate Increase sale

Everyday should be a day that you work on your goals and things you would like to accomplish. My suggestion would be get a journal and write down the things you would like to accomplish and check them off as you conquer them! Don’t wait for a new year to come around to start doing this. Start now!