Inversion Method: Avocado and Castor Oil

Hi Luvs,

Its been a while since I blogged about my hair. I decided to try a new method that I’ve actually been doing since I was younger when I oil and massage my scalp. I am going to try this consistently for the next 3 months using Mel & Jays Hair Quench Oil Treatment. I have been looking at past images from the beginning of this year and making the comparison of how my hair has flourished by making a few tweeks to my hair and skin regimen. It really is like night and day when I look at the past images. I will post a vid of my hair on youtube for you guys to check out.

So let’s talk about this infamous Inversion Method that everyone has been raving about.

In short, the inversion method involves
1. Choosing your favorite oil ( I am going to use Mel & Jays Hair Quench Oil Treatment for the next 3 months)
2. Gently Massage your scalp with the oil of your choice with the tips of your fingers

  • Give Your trouble areas more focus when massaging
  • Do not massage to rough or you may unintentionally some of your hair

3. Massage your scalp with your head in a downward position

*NOTE/ DISCLAIMER:  STOP massaging your scalp, if you begin to feel light headed.Bring your head back up slowly so you won’t feel light headed.

The Inversion Method is said to increase hair growth from a quarter to an inch of hair.

I hope this helps you decided whether this method is something you would like to try out. Stay Tuned in For my results in a few months if you want to join me on my challenge please Like and share my video on Youtube. Also post your comments and pictures of your results below. Click the Link to view my vid on the Inversion method:


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