Healthy Blog 7/25

IMG_20150725_095427    Today, I finally came to terms with my self about my poor eating habits and my weight. I decided to stop just stepping on the scale and weighing my self each morning. And wallowing in pain about my recent weigh gain with in the last two years. I decided that today would be the day that I actually put a strict plan in place that would help me to succeed with the necessary goals that I have to lose this weight.

Growing up, I was always a very active and healthy person, whether I was outside playing soccer, swimming, running, or riding my bike, I was very conscious of the foods I ate. After stressful events that life may bring, I started eating unhealthy and not caring for my self as I used to. I was denial about my weight. I was in denial about my habits. And about me in general. I did not want to accept that THERE is in fact something wrong with my eating habits and lack of exercise. I have come to realize that my eating habits were determined by my level of stress.

I chose to write out a quick list of the things that posed as challenges and some of the ideas that would help to make my goal to healthier eating:

1. Exercise Schedule and Planning– I also realized that I was working out but not on a consistent basis. I opted to create a schedule each week that will allow for time for me to work out at least 3-4 times a week for an hour.

2. My Refrigerator – I cleaned out my refrigerator of all junk foods and items that were high in salt and sugar such as Ice cream and juice.  I replaced them with various fruits and vegetables.

3. Reducing Stress– I tend to dwell on things that may be out of my control

4. Healthier Food Options for Vegetarians– I have been a vegetarian for 5 years and tend to eat foods high in salt to off set the fact that I do not eat meat. I recently started looking for various vegetarian recipes that would allow me to get the nutrients my body needs without eating meat. I will write a blog of some of the recipes soon.


These are just a few items that I had on my list of the ways to improve my eating habits. TODAY I challenge you to come to terms with something that has been bothering you whether it be an unhealthy habit or something you would just like to change about your self. I challenge you to write it down and own it! Make a change in your life, be consistent, be realistic about your goal and strive for success!




Be Inspired
