DIY Blackhead Removal


Have you ever had those obnoxious blackheads on your face that you have literally tried everything to get rid of them? Well I have that problem too. My problem area is on my nose. When I look in the mirror, they are very distinct blemishes that I would like to remove.

I decided to do a little research and was able to find a way that would give me an inexpensive way to treat my problem areas on my face. I tried out this homemade recipe and found that it really works on my face and decided to share with you!

DIY- Toothbrush Blackhead remover

Warm water cloth

1 part Backing soda

1 part toothpaste

1 part Water


Add Baking soda, toothpaste, and water. Stir until all ingredients are equally mixed in. Place the warm water cloth in the affected area, this will open up your pores. Apply the mixture onto the affected area and use the toothbrush to massage the mixture into your skin. Wipe the mixture off of your skin.

After trying out this DIY Blackhead remover, my face a lot cleaner and fresh, I would recommend trying it and leaving comments about your experience below. Also follow my Youtube vlog as I show you how to remove blackheads without having to spend and an arm and a leg on various products at a beauty supply store or pharmacy.

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