Hi Luvs!

Hi my name is Melissa, most people call me Mel. I am a serial entrepreneur,  avid nature lover, and digital content creator. 

Thank you for stopping by and checking out my blog.This is a lifestyle blog about my hair and skin care journey, as well as my life as I continue to build and grow my business as a young female entrepreneur.

I am a licensed real estate agent, real estate investor, and aesthetician in Connecticut, and love to speak about the importance of finance, fitness, and lifestyle. When you have a balanced checkbook many other things will align with your lifestyle and social activities. I am also one of  the founders of a women’s empowerment non profit organization, Women Who Inspire Network, Inc. 

In my first few years of real estate I quickly learned that I needed to find a balance between work and personal life. I was totally out of whack with what I wanted and felt that each real estate deal would get me closer and closer to my financial goals. I was quickly losing my mental and spiritual balance. I started gaining a tremendous amount of weight and found myself being sick a lot. The turning point for me was when I started having stress induced seizures that turned my world upside down. My first seizure I will never forget, as I experienced an outer body experience, it made me reflect on what was truly important to me and how I wanted to live my life. At that moment I decided to make a change with my lifestyle. I wanted to live for today, while praying & meditating with the intention of enjoying tomorrow. I found that The helping others find a  mental and spiritual balance and helping them work on their physical appearance through my aesthetics profession helped me to find healing while helping others with my healing hands. 

My true  passion is coaching, helping people on how to live a more meaningful life, while still being a boss at the business they own or are looking to start up. I help people to manifest their dreams and my blog truly represents all my life experiences, trials and tribulations, and subtle and yet grateful wins while being a serial entrepreneur. 

Live, Love, Light is my motto for everything that I do! Live in the moment, Love without expectations, and every day I always affirm that You are Light, You are made from the most precious materials that are Priceless!

I hope to inspire others who wish to follow their dreams and journey into the unknown. Giving into the fear of Failure is not an option. I hope I can inspire someone today as they read and check out my photos and formulate ideas!

Thanks for checking out my blog!

