Tis the Season Get Organized!

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As we embark on the New Year and have been planning  for the past few weeks with gift purchasing and excitement for family coming over to share and create new holiday memories.

Now that the holidays are over here are 8 Quick Tips on how to Get Organized:

  1. Time to Declutter– get rid of unused items that you have not used in a while. Donate them to Goodwill or even consider selling them on Ebay, Poshmark, etc
  2. Use only one calendar to set appointments
  3. Create a daily list of things you need to accomplish throughout the day
  4. Create a list of Goals that you would like to accomplish through out the year. By doing this step you are create a guide for your self for the year. You will be able to accomplish milestones as you continue to plan for your future.
  5. Write Everything down. As I get older I have realized it is becoming more and more challenging to remember all of the tasks that I have to do. It is important for me to write things down in order to be the most productive.
  6. Clean up regularly. If you have every watched my vlogs you would know that I am typically always on the go, whether it be running to a meeting or going to work on my most recent real estate project. Sometimes i forget to slow down, and make sure my personal space is in order. I have been living in an organized chaos and have been working on cleaning up regularly. This will help you find organization within your physical space but also in your mental space as well.
  7. Practice Putting things away immediately. This will cut down on clean up time.
  8. Stop Procrastinating. Sometimes I struggle with this point, because there are so many tasks and things that need to be done all at once. Some may be left unattended to. To stop procrastinating create lists and set an alarm on your phone for the amount of time you would like to allot for a space task to be completed in. This will help from being side tracked, and help you to keep focused on one thing at a time.


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